Importing 3D model(obj,stl,step,etc) in Node-red Dashboard

Hi, I'm looking for any option to import a 3D model which I have created in other modelling software. As I came across 3D flow of babylon.js but it only have fixed objects like box,sphere,etc and also it creates a separate scene. but what i want is to combine both dashboard flows and 3D Model in same Dashboard.
Thank you, Have a great day.

Hi @Jaisantosh,

I'm not sure whether anything is available out-of-the box already.
I only found this:

  • node-red-contrib-web-babylonjs. But like you already mentioned, I'm also not sure whether it allows currently to load a 3d model and show it in the dashboard.
  • node-red-arjs. I see in this link that this augmented reality library (ar.js) can load following 3d models: * glTF 2.0, glTF, OBJ, COLLADA, PLY, JSON, FBX
  • p5.js. I see here that p5.js supports 3d models via OBJ and STL.
  • three.js. I wrote that example for somebody, to show 3D in the flow editor. But I assume you can use similar code in a template node for the dashboard ...

After this quick look, I assume the p5.js example flow is closest to the dashboard solution you are trying to achieve ...

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Hi @Jaisantosh !

I made an example of using three.js to render a 3D model here (served over an http endpoint):
In is then possible to use a ui_template to load this endpoint in an iframe (even with a transparent background so it looks well integrated)


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