Sorry if this is a long one, I have to unpick each point I am definitely not having a go, and sorry it is just terminology on my part. By core I meant distributed like the serial port that you sight. The out of the box experience is so important. Like an interview the first 5 minutes is all you need. First impressions are what it is all about if you want to attract more willing hands.
There is nothing very interesting or instructive about the serial UI interface. As for pigpiod unless it has been fixed recently I does not give access to SPI, I2C, or scripting (and never has) which renders it pretty useless if you want to read a temperature or whatever. Also the api has not changed for donkeys so if is not there now then it will never be with the current state of affairs. So get away from the hardware altogether and just supply UI serialised interfaces and forget it.
I and others have to go back to 8 lts to get a ui to a chip that works because the underlying hardware driver is easily broken with new node verstions. A ui for a remote connected MQ chip is completely static (no maintenance at all). All the team have to contend with is maintaining an interface with MQ which you do already.
Only if they work with the latest node lts / maintenance release that the community have time to support.
Others have sited that attempting to write hardware drivers in JS is futile and I think they are correct otherwise they would be everywhere and JS security issues would be even more problematic than they are already.
Python (chosen by Pi Foundation for educational purposes) is far too heavyweight for a Pi Zero. And, if you have to resort to multiple exec nodes calling python libraries every second in order to drive your sensors it will drive a Pi4 into the ground. Been there and wasted precious time and resources.
Yes I know. But a ui that serialises a chips i/o command structure is nothing more than passing strings back and forth via MQ. That would not break with node version changes.
Hardware people are good at C and I2C and SPI and Interrtupts and debounce and so on. Leave the fun stuff for them give them a UI to a chip and bingo they will definitely let the world know they have an arduino or whatever driver for your example chip front ends. No maintenance at all.
The low level C library apis have not changed for years. And as you say they have a very brittle interface with node. Just get rid of them all.
I got the impression that the NR team aim to reduce the current and future maintenance burden.
Great for education rubbish at anything fast and efficient.
The makers will look after their end with pride and conviction especially if given an example of a static UI definition that they can work with. The softies will look after their end with pride and conviction also. But for the life of me it seems like they will never meet and agree the terms of engagement. Simultaneous engineering was supposed to take care of this impasse.
So don't do it. Give the makers a UI or two, piece of cake for a softy.
I am only 50 50 but well over sixty so I have seen it and experienced it all before.
Best of luck, I have enjoyed most of the interaction but can smell the dislike towards an alternative point of view from an outsider.
The UI design, learning a new IDE (not JetBrains), a whole bucket load of uncoordinated tools that look like they have been made up on the hoof is all too much for my 50%.
Best regards to all.