Improvement: header&footer

Had my wife fix the logo for me... Thank goodness she knows how to do it!:wink:



I wish to have this kind of logo in my app this looks very nice how to do it?
How to create folder and config it for images

How to set up a static http folder is described in the docs

But if you node-RED is going to be connected to the internet you will also need to secure the Node-RED

While this is nice and easy, I would suggest using outline instead of border, as border changes various things like sizes of bounding box and breaks margin collapsing so with border you might have all ok, then remove the border and break your precise layout. outline does not bring those issues.


Hi dceejay,

I was curious if there is a way to append an entire ui_group into the footer. What I am trying to do is have a standard screen that has a certain buttons that are displayed on every page. So it's like a header and footer that is constant on each screen but it's not just some text and image but certain functionalities that are common on all screens. And I am using a ui_template and have added a logo and a clock in the header and that works.

Thanks in advance.

Hi. I don’t think so. You can put any normal html /js in there like the header I think