Is it possible to include inbuilt dashboard nodes inside template node in node-red dashboard

I'm trying to create my own dashboard node using the template node. But I want include some already available dashboard nodes like charts & buttons inside that custom template node. Is it possible ?

Thank you

hi - no it's not really possible.

Okay. Thank you for the answer

Don't know if you mean building up a new node from scratch or just use a dashboard template node.

If you do the second joice then have a look at and watch the Developer Tools in your browser how the Elements are structured if you use a dashboard-button.

It should be something like that:

<md-card ui-card-size="6x1" class="nr-dashboard-button _md visible" node-class="" ng-class="[{'nr-dashboard-disabled':me.item.disabled}, me.item.className]" node-id="a4e97c7e66ea988a" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 318px; height: 48px;">
	<button class="md-raised md-button md-ink-ripple" type="button" ng-transclude="" ng-click="me.buttonClick($event)" ng-disabled="me.item.disabled" aria-label="buttonbutton" ng-style="{'background-color':me.item.getText(), 'color':me.item.getColor(), 'z-index':1, 'padding':'0px'}" style="z-index: 1; padding: 0px;">
		<ui-icon ng-show="me.item.icon.length" icon="" ng-style="{color:me.item.getColor()}" aria-hidden="true" class="ng-hide">
		<span ng-bind-html="me.item.getLabel()">button</span>

Here is an example of a row with 4 buttons inside a dashboard-template node where each button is styled as the usual dashboard-button:

flows (5).json (8.0 KB)

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