Here is a demo in node-red...
[{"id":"1d2a0be.ace77f4","type":"ui_template","z":"64ce1d00.d049e4","group":"dce9e7a2.d20c78","name":"joy.js","order":4,"width":0,"height":0,"format":"<script id=\"joy\">\n console.log(\"joystick code\")\n /*\n * Name : joy.js\n * @author : Roberto D'Amico (Bobboteck)\n * Last modified : 09.06.2020\n * Revision : 1.1.6\n *\n * Modification History:\n * Date Version Modified By\t\tDescription\n * 2020-06-09\t1.1.6\t\tRoberto D'Amico\tFixed Issue #10 and #11\n * 2020-04-20\t1.1.5\t\tRoberto D'Amico\tCorrect: Two sticks in a row, thanks to @liamw9534 for the suggestion\n * 2020-04-03 Roberto D'Amico Correct: InternalRadius when change the size of canvas, thanks to @vanslipon for the suggestion\n * 2020-01-07\t1.1.4\t\tRoberto D'Amico Close #6 by implementing a new parameter to set the functionality of auto-return to 0 position\n * 2019-11-18\t1.1.3\t\tRoberto D'Amico\tClose #5 correct indication of East direction\n * 2019-11-12 1.1.2 Roberto D'Amico Removed Fix #4 incorrectly introduced and restored operation with touch devices\n * 2019-11-12 1.1.1 Roberto D'Amico Fixed Issue #4 - Now JoyStick work in any position in the page, not only at 0,0\n * \n * The MIT License (MIT)\n *\n * This file is part of the JoyStick Project (\n *\tCopyright (c) 2015 Roberto D'Amico (Bobboteck).\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n * \n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.\n */\n\n/**\n * @desc Principal object that draw a joystick, you only need to initialize the object and suggest the HTML container\n * @costructor\n * @param container {String} - HTML object that contains the Joystick\n * @param parameters (optional) - object with following keys:\n *\ttitle {String} (optional) - The ID of canvas (Default value is 'joystick')\n * \twidth {Int} (optional) - The width of canvas, if not specified is setted at width of container object (Default value is the width of container object)\n * \theight {Int} (optional) - The height of canvas, if not specified is setted at height of container object (Default value is the height of container object)\n * \tinternalFillColor {String} (optional) - Internal color of Stick (Default value is '#00AA00')\n * \tinternalLineWidth {Int} (optional) - Border width of Stick (Default value is 2)\n * \tinternalStrokeColor {String}(optional) - Border color of Stick (Default value is '#003300')\n * \texternalLineWidth {Int} (optional) - External reference circonference width (Default value is 2)\n * \texternalStrokeColor {String} (optional) - External reference circonference color (Default value is '#008000')\n * \tautoReturnToCenter {Bool} (optional) - Sets the behavior of the stick, whether or not, it should return to zero position when released (Default value is True and return to zero)\n */\nvar JoyStick = (function (container, parameters) {\n parameters = parameters || {};\n var title = (typeof parameters.title === \"undefined\" ? \"joystick\" : parameters.title),\n width = (typeof parameters.width === \"undefined\" ? 0 : parameters.width),\n height = (typeof parameters.height === \"undefined\" ? 0 : parameters.height),\n internalFillColor = (typeof parameters.internalFillColor === \"undefined\" ? \"#00AA00\" : parameters.internalFillColor),\n internalLineWidth = (typeof parameters.internalLineWidth === \"undefined\" ? 2 : parameters.internalLineWidth),\n internalStrokeColor = (typeof parameters.internalStrokeColor === \"undefined\" ? \"#003300\" : parameters.internalStrokeColor),\n externalLineWidth = (typeof parameters.externalLineWidth === \"undefined\" ? 2 : parameters.externalLineWidth),\n externalStrokeColor = (typeof parameters.externalStrokeColor === \"undefined\" ? \"#008000\" : parameters.externalStrokeColor),\n autoReturnToCenter = (typeof parameters.autoReturnToCenter === \"undefined\" ? true : parameters.autoReturnToCenter);\n\n // Create Canvas element and add it in the Container object\n var objContainer = document.getElementById(container);\n var canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n = title;\n if (width === 0) { width = objContainer.clientWidth; }\n if (height === 0) { height = objContainer.clientHeight; }\n canvas.width = width;\n canvas.height = height;\n objContainer.appendChild(canvas);\n var context = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\n var pressed = 0; // Bool - 1=Yes - 0=No\n var circumference = 2 * Math.PI;\n var internalRadius = (canvas.width - ((canvas.width / 2) + 10)) / 2;\n var maxMoveStick = internalRadius + 5;\n var externalRadius = internalRadius + 30;\n var centerX = canvas.width / 2;\n var centerY = canvas.height / 2;\n var directionHorizontalLimitPos = canvas.width / 10;\n var directionHorizontalLimitNeg = directionHorizontalLimitPos * -1;\n var directionVerticalLimitPos = canvas.height / 10;\n var directionVerticalLimitNeg = directionVerticalLimitPos * -1;\n // Used to save current position of stick\n var movedX = centerX;\n var movedY = centerY;\n\n // Check if the device support the touch or not\n if (\"ontouchstart\" in document.documentElement) {\n canvas.addEventListener(\"touchstart\", onTouchStart, false);\n canvas.addEventListener(\"touchmove\", onTouchMove, false);\n canvas.addEventListener(\"touchend\", onTouchEnd, false);\n }\n else {\n canvas.addEventListener(\"mousedown\", onMouseDown, false);\n canvas.addEventListener(\"mousemove\", onMouseMove, false);\n canvas.addEventListener(\"mouseup\", onMouseUp, false);\n }\n // Draw the object\n drawExternal();\n drawInternal();\n\n /******************************************************\n * Private methods\n *****************************************************/\n\n /**\n * @desc Draw the external circle used as reference position\n */\n function drawExternal() {\n context.beginPath();\n context.arc(centerX, centerY, externalRadius, 0, circumference, false);\n context.lineWidth = externalLineWidth;\n context.strokeStyle = externalStrokeColor;\n context.stroke();\n }\n\n /**\n * @desc Draw the internal stick in the current position the user have moved it\n */\n function drawInternal() {\n context.beginPath();\n if (movedX < internalRadius) { movedX = maxMoveStick; }\n if ((movedX + internalRadius) > canvas.width) { movedX = canvas.width - (maxMoveStick); }\n if (movedY < internalRadius) { movedY = maxMoveStick; }\n if ((movedY + internalRadius) > canvas.height) { movedY = canvas.height - (maxMoveStick); }\n context.arc(movedX, movedY, internalRadius, 0, circumference, false);\n // create radial gradient\n var grd = context.createRadialGradient(centerX, centerY, 5, centerX, centerY, 200);\n // Light color\n grd.addColorStop(0, internalFillColor);\n // Dark color\n grd.addColorStop(1, internalStrokeColor);\n context.fillStyle = grd;\n context.fill();\n context.lineWidth = internalLineWidth;\n context.strokeStyle = internalStrokeColor;\n context.stroke();\n }\n\n /**\n * @desc Events for manage touch\n */\n function onTouchStart(event) {\n pressed = 1;\n }\n\n // function onTouchMove(event) {\n // // Prevent the browser from doing its default thing (scroll, zoom)\n // event.preventDefault();\n // if (pressed === 1 && event.targetTouches[0].target === canvas) {\n // movedX = event.targetTouches[0].pageX;\n // movedY = event.targetTouches[0].pageY;\n // // Manage offset\n // if (canvas.offsetParent.tagName.toUpperCase() === \"BODY\") {\n // movedX -= canvas.offsetLeft;\n // movedY -= canvas.offsetTop;\n // }\n // else {\n // movedX -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetLeft;\n // movedY -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetTop;\n // }\n // // Delete canvas\n // context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // // Redraw object\n // drawExternal();\n // drawInternal();\n // }\n // }\n function onTouchMove(event)\n {\n // Prevent the browser from doing its default thing (scroll, zoom)\n event.preventDefault();\n if(pressed === 1 && event.targetTouches[0].target === canvas)\n {\n movedX = event.targetTouches[0].offsetX;\n movedY = event.targetTouches[0].offsetY;\n // Delete canvas\n context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // Redraw object\n drawExternal();\n drawInternal();\n }\n } \n function onTouchEnd(event) {\n pressed = 0;\n // If required reset position store variable\n if (autoReturnToCenter) {\n movedX = centerX;\n movedY = centerY;\n }\n // Delete canvas\n context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // Redraw object\n drawExternal();\n drawInternal();\n //canvas.unbind('touchmove');\n }\n\n /**\n * @desc Events for manage mouse\n */\n function onMouseDown(event) {\n pressed = 1;\n }\n\n // function onMouseMove(event) {\n // if (pressed === 1) {\n // movedX = event.pageX;\n // movedY = event.pageY;\n // // Manage offset\n // if (canvas.offsetParent.tagName.toUpperCase() === \"BODY\") {\n // movedX -= canvas.offsetLeft;\n // movedY -= canvas.offsetTop;\n // }\n // else {\n // movedX -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetLeft;\n // movedY -= canvas.offsetParent.offsetTop;\n // }\n // // Delete canvas\n // context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // // Redraw object\n // drawExternal();\n // drawInternal();\n // }\n // }\n function onMouseMove(event) \n {\n if(pressed === 1)\n {\n movedX = event.offsetX;\n movedY = event.offsetY;\n // Delete canvas\n context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // Redraw object\n drawExternal();\n drawInternal();\n }\n }\n\n function onMouseUp(event) {\n pressed = 0;\n // If required reset position store variable\n if (autoReturnToCenter) {\n movedX = centerX;\n movedY = centerY;\n }\n // Delete canvas\n context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);\n // Redraw object\n drawExternal();\n drawInternal();\n //canvas.unbind('mousemove');\n }\n\n /******************************************************\n * Public methods\n *****************************************************/\n\n /**\n * @desc The width of canvas\n * @return Number of pixel width \n */\n this.GetWidth = function () {\n return canvas.width;\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc The height of canvas\n * @return Number of pixel height\n */\n this.GetHeight = function () {\n return canvas.height;\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc The X position of the cursor relative to the canvas that contains it and to its dimensions\n * @return Number that indicate relative position\n */\n this.GetPosX = function () {\n return movedX;\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc The Y position of the cursor relative to the canvas that contains it and to its dimensions\n * @return Number that indicate relative position\n */\n this.GetPosY = function () {\n return movedY;\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc Normalizzed value of X move of stick\n * @return Integer from -100 to +100\n */\n this.GetX = function () {\n return (100 * ((movedX - centerX) / maxMoveStick)).toFixed();\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc Normalizzed value of Y move of stick\n * @return Integer from -100 to +100\n */\n this.GetY = function () {\n return ((100 * ((movedY - centerY) / maxMoveStick)) * -1).toFixed();\n };\n\n /**\n * @desc Get the direction of the cursor as a string that indicates the cardinal points where this is oriented\n * @return String of cardinal point N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW and C when it is placed in the center\n */\n this.GetDir = function () {\n var result = \"\";\n var orizontal = movedX - centerX;\n var vertical = movedY - centerY;\n\n if (vertical >= directionVerticalLimitNeg && vertical <= directionVerticalLimitPos) {\n result = \"C\";\n }\n if (vertical < directionVerticalLimitNeg) {\n result = \"N\";\n }\n if (vertical > directionVerticalLimitPos) {\n result = \"S\";\n }\n\n if (orizontal < directionHorizontalLimitNeg) {\n if (result === \"C\") {\n result = \"W\";\n }\n else {\n result += \"W\";\n }\n }\n if (orizontal > directionHorizontalLimitPos) {\n if (result === \"C\") {\n result = \"E\";\n }\n else {\n result += \"E\";\n }\n }\n\n return result;\n };\n});\n</script>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"global","x":1730,"y":100,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f4c1920a.492c5","type":"ui_template","z":"64ce1d00.d049e4","group":"dea21ffd.1483","name":"joystick 1","order":4,"width":"6","height":"12","format":"<div id=\"joy1\" style=\"width:200px;height:200px;margin:50px\"></div>\nPosizione X:<input id=\"joy1PosizioneX\" type=\"text\" /><br />\nPosizione Y:<input id=\"joy1PosizioneY\" type=\"text\" /><br />\nDirezione:<input id=\"joy1Direzione\" type=\"text\" /><br />\nX :<input id=\"joy1X\" type=\"text\" /></br>\nY :<input id=\"joy1Y\" type=\"text\" />\n\n<script>\n\n(function(scope) {\n console.log(\"joy1 demo scope\");\n var Joy1PosMemory = {};\n var Joy1 = new JoyStick('joy1');\n setInterval(function(){ \n var Joy1Current = {};\n Joy1Current.inX = Joy1.GetPosX(); \n Joy1Current.inY = Joy1.GetPosY(); \n Joy1Current.dir =Joy1.GetDir();\n Joy1Current.x =Joy1.GetX();\n Joy1Current.y =Joy1.GetY();\n if (\n Joy1Current.inX != Joy1PosMemory.inX || \n Joy1Current.inY != Joy1PosMemory.inY || \n Joy1Current.dir != Joy1PosMemory.dir || \n Joy1Current.x != Joy1PosMemory.x || \n Joy1Current.y != Joy1PosMemory.y \n ) {\n ///value has changed - send msg to node-red\n scope.send ({topic: \"joy1\", payload: Joy1Current} );\n }\n Joy1PosMemory = {...Joy1Current};//copy current to memory var\n }, 50);\n\n //************************ these can be removed *****************\n var joy1IinputPosX = document.getElementById(\"joy1PosizioneX\");\n var joy1InputPosY = document.getElementById(\"joy1PosizioneY\");\n var joy1Direzione = document.getElementById(\"joy1Direzione\");\n var joy1X = document.getElementById(\"joy1X\");\n var joy1Y = document.getElementById(\"joy1Y\");\n\n setInterval(function(){ joy1IinputPosX.value=Joy1.GetPosX(); }, 50);\n setInterval(function(){ joy1InputPosY.value=Joy1.GetPosY(); }, 50);\n setInterval(function(){ joy1Direzione.value=Joy1.GetDir(); }, 50);\n setInterval(function(){ joy1X.value=Joy1.GetX(); }, 50);\n setInterval(function(){ joy1Y.value=Joy1.GetY(); }, 50);\n //***************************************************************\n})(scope);\n\n\n\n</script>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","x":1740,"y":140,"wires":[["c2dc33fb.97d72"]]},{"id":"c2dc33fb.97d72","type":"debug","z":"64ce1d00.d049e4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1770,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"dce9e7a2.d20c78","type":"ui_group","name":"Object detection","tab":"5132060d.4cde48","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"7","collapse":false},{"id":"dea21ffd.1483","type":"ui_group","name":"Pump Status","tab":"dd590918.d334c8","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"5132060d.4cde48","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false},{"id":"dd590918.d334c8","type":"ui_tab","name":"Pool Control","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]