Issue with HTTP request auth

Good afternoon, I'm trying to do a http request/api call to be able to automate turning on and off flows. Following this Enable or disable a flow (tab) per flow name (flow) - Node-RED it works fine if I import the code as is, unless I set a password on initial install of node red or manually create the adminauth myself, which then I get an error of unauthorized. So in the http request node I set the basic auth with my user and pass, which still comes back as unauth. I tried with the digest auth as well. Then I tried enabling httpnodeauth and httpstaticauth with a user and hashed password in my settings.js file in node red, with no luck. However if I disable adminauth, and with the httpnodeauth, and httpstaticauth enabled, the http request will work with a basic auth. I also do not want to do this with a bearer token. How would I make this work? Because I want node red to have a user and pass.