LED strips for dummies

Uh the command format gives me a headache but glad that I was able to help!

Any chance if somehow applies to you (I've got no personal experience of Home Assistant, Tasmota never mind the mentioned admin thing)?

Edit: oops forgot to add the link yesterday. :joy: Now only if I find it again...

I don't have the time, and am not really interested in diving into ESP32 programming right now. I may go that way eventually, but for now I can play with some color animation ideas without building any hardware or learning a new development system. Clearly 99+% of what is in tasmota is not ever going to be useful to me.

Forgotten link from my previous post: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solved-my-sonoffs-tasmota-keep-spamming-mqtt-status-messages/78250

Thanks, but unless the TasAdmin add-on is now part of the current release I didn't install it.

I seem to have got rid of a lot of the chatty messages with:
mosquitto_pub -t "cmnd/tasmota/StateText1" -m "1"
mosquitto_pub -t "cmnd/tasmota/TelePeriod" -m "7200"

Thanks, you have been very helpful.

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