Light sequence with HueMagic

Hi, im pretty new to Node-red, but my goal is to make a light sequence with Philips hue.
The flow works fine untill delay nr 2. Both 10s delays activates almost at the same time, which messes up the sequence. Is there a easy way to solve this?

I'd go this route.


Similar use case here: PCF9685 Dimmen slow

Thanks Jay, tried your tip and it worked out fine! Really appreciate both of your quick replies :slight_smile:

Sounds like you had the delay node set to "Delay each message by 10 sec". In this case you will not have a 10 sec delay between messages, but relative to when they were received.

You could try the "Rate Limiting" mode instead -- set it to send 1 msg / 10 sec. Of course, this only works if the elapsed time between msgs is constant. So if you need different lengths of time between msgs, then Jay's example will work for you.