Lightbulb color based on sensor input

I use function to generate a value for data field for my lightbulb node but it appears that it is not populated correctly. Any ideas?

Function code:

msg.payload = parseFloat(msg.payload);  // Convert payload to a number

if (msg.payload < 2) {
  msg.payload = {
    "brightness": 255,  // Full brightness (0-255)
    "rgb_color": [0, 0, 255]  // Blue color
} else {
  msg.payload = {
    "brightness": 255,
    "rgb_color": [255, 0, 0]   // Red color

return msg;

Error: Call-service error. extra keys not allowed @ data['0']

Hi and welcome.
Not a HA user, but i remember that mustache does not allow object replacement.
Why not select msg. and then just type payload in the data field.

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replacing {{{payload}}} in data field in Light node with payload only gives "invalid properties: -data" error.

I guess the question is how to properly populate the field with the message from the Function node which is:

When I enter this result manually in the Light node - it works, so the message seems to be in correct format.

I think you were correct. Once I changed data to "payload" (it was JSON) previously - it worked.


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