Link request node

Hi @nlecaude

Yes, a 'Link Call' node is planned. It will be able to call a Link In node and when the message reaches a Link Out node, it will return to whichever Link Call node it came from.

There are some parallels to the Subflow concept and there will be plenty of cases where you could use either approach.

But there is an important difference between the approaches.

  • Adding multiple subflow instances will give you separate instances of the nodes - each with its own context etc.

  • The Link-Call node would allow you to call out to a single concrete instance of the nodes from multiple places - so any state would be common.

This new node is at the very early drawing board stage - quite literally, drawing various ideas of what it would look like in the editor to maintain the 'link' wires appearance coming in and out of the middle of the node.