Live video on an AWS instance

I have an esp32-cam and I want it to stream live video through the node-red dashboard, I have node-red installed on an AWS instance, I want the video to be seen from any network not just my local network

Not really my area of expertise, but I edited your title so that it may catch the attention of those that could help :grinning:

Hello friend,

Could you expose more details of your application?

But, if you want to show esp information to anyone
I recommend using an iot platform to show your esp32 information, there are several platforms such as thingsboard ( Because the platform already has several levels of security. You could send the video information over a protocol like MQTT or HTTP.

If you want to do a test, you can make your node-red instance public by editing the ec2 security groups and allowing anyone to access port 1880 (the port where your node-red is running), that way everyone will see your dashboard.

Again, I do not recommend doing this because it will be publicly exposed to the entire internet, even if it is for testing, enable minimum node-red security, such as a password on the backend side and a password on the dashboard.

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