Logic gate doesn't seem to behave logically

So the flow is "live" and the % hit 50, the amps were +20 so it switched one relay on. So far so good. Then it switched another one on even though the % had not reached the threshold of 70%. I guess this is an error in the Compare node (which I edited) or in the operation of the AND which as the screenshot shows, stays "true" sometimes when the inputs do not justify it.
Any clues would be much appreciated.

Ok, I can do that.
May I ask why you would say that the simple debug outputs on the screenshot show us nothing; are they not accurate then?

That isn't the Boolean Ultimate node, that node has three outputs, and looks like

As I said, I previously tried with Ultimate and that had unexpected results also so I changed to this one. With this logic node that I am using now I have at least got it working partially correctly.

That was an exaggeration, but since the outputs of the Gate node depend also on the topic values and the sequence of messages sent to it, unless you know the topic values and the sequence it is not possible to be sure what is going on. But since your example is not using the Boolean Ultimate node that flow tells us nothing about the operation of the Boolean Ultimate node.

My advice is to use the Ultimate node. If it is not working for you then show us an example if it not working.

OK, I will set that up later and see how it goes.

Wow, 67 posts and we still don't have a clear idea of the node you are using, the data you are passing to it or the output you are getting. I'm confused.


Have you looked at the flows I've posted? It should give you some answers.

Have you posted what has been asked for several times, which is the debug pane output showing the sequence of messages going to the gate node, and how you have configured it?

Sorry, for all that if you already know these concepts. It seemed to me that you were saying you got a "True" when you expected a "1".

OK, It seems that the problem is on "Startup" only? Or is it that you get results at times that you do not expect. When you said in your comment just now ..

Input to what, which node?
What are the topic names? Per input?
And, what if you use a "true" or "false" as input vs. the "1" or "0"?
Do you initialize with any value? "true" or "false". Maybe what your looking at is the initial state before there are any inputs evaluated.

You need to know what inputs are causing what results. So initialization, or states that are not properly named with the proper topic will trip you up. Try to not have any messages inserted that do not have proper topic and payload values.

I think all of that will be answered when @usernamepasswordBS provides the sequence of input messages that are causing the problem, in the debug pane, as has been requested.

Ya, I hope he complies.

@usernamepasswordBS does not comply!

Your resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

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Why do you not provide the information asked for? Do you not want to know why the node did not work for you?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :space_invader: :space_invader: :space_invader: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: (9 characters minimum)

@Colin ,
This person apparently does not want any assistance.

Good Luck @usernamepasswordBS. HA! your handle.

No no, I do want help and I appreciate the help that I've already had from this site particularly Frida who wrote a Function Node for me.

I haven't reposted anything because I'm not sure why it wasn't easy to know which logic node I was using by looking right there in the flow that I posted. I also thought its configuration would be visible but may be I'm wrong.