I'm looking for a Countdown Timer that I can use in a Tumbler Automation System. Here's what I'm looking for, a countdown timer that displays Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds similar to the node-red-contrib-ui-digital-clock. I would like all the digits to be the same size and there are two timer times that I will need that will only be edited in the flows. One needs to be roughly 5Hrs and the second will be 2 to 3 weeks long, 672 - 1008 hours. One is for tumbling Aluminum, the other for Steel parts and once we have times that polish them the way we like they will be locked in. Few more things, I would like to be able to both pause or reset, start and stop the countdown.
If there are Nodes that I can install that are close to what I'm looking for that would be fantastic. I've had no luck tracking even one down.