Make a duplicate flow

I would like to duplicate flows as fast as I can delete them.
And when I mess up I can just disable them again.

click on workspace - ctrl-(or cmd)-a to select all, ctrl-c to copy - hit plus on tab bar to add new tab - ctrl-v to paste... click to fix position. Done

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Thank you for your quickly.

Mostly the damage is all ready done realizing I was working on the orginal.

So If I do a copy of my current mistake to a new flow then trying to work my way back into the corrupt flow with ctrl-z it deletes or undo the copy I made to the new flow :disappointed_relieved:

If you have only deployed once... then there is a backup hidden in your user directory.

If your flow was called flows_fred.json the previous version would be .flows_fred.json.backup

Well actually my node-red emails me the complete backup flows_...json on every deploy.
I then copy the whole contains onto clipboard and import it back deleting every flow I don't need :smiley:
For now its a cat and mouse game what I should do is read back its contains determining flow or section from within the backup then importing only the selected back in.

Have you considered using "projects" mode? It has git history of changes!


omgosh that looks good I am going to look into that, Thanks!