Make my own node

I want to build my own Node any guide?

Please check this tutorial

Also Check this

Thanks I will check it

Also check out code in some of the key nodes to look at how they do things. I also have an example test node in my GitHub that may be of use in understanding how the various parts work. It is reasonably well commented I think.

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@TotallyInformation Jullian I want to build a button like the simple gate node. So I will check your Github. Thanks

It might be worth telling us exactly what the node will do, in case we can point you towards an easier solution than developing a new node.

I want to have a start / stop button. So basically I have a measure system with sensors and lights and I need a button to start all the tasks like writting in a database, to measure, to send mqtt out msgs and that stuffs, and I asked before, and a lot of people told me, that I must use simple gate, but I want a button, just to push and start all and another button to stop everything the measure and sending msgs.

Cant you achieve that with inject buttons? Or Make a dashboard and use the dashboard buttons?


Here's a link to a tutorial I wrote for my IoT students.
It shows how to create buttons with different actions.
e.g. On and Off, toggle, reset, etc..

Yeah @JGKK I need it from the dashboard and use the dashboard buttons

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@dynamicdave David I will see it. Thanks

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