Restart Timestamp (inject) from the dashboard

I want to restart Timestamp (inject) from the dashboard with a button.
To do the same operation as when I am on the FLOW and I press the mouse on Timestamp.
Thank you

Welcome to the forum @Mrous

Do you know how to add a button on the dashboard?

If so then do that and configure the button to send the same message as the Inject node and then wire it to the same place that the Inject node is wired to. Then the button will send the same message as the Inject, and it will be wired to the same nodes, so it will have identical effect.

Thank you,
it works perfectly

Glad to be of help.
I assume that you are a beginner with node-red. If so then, if you have not done so already, I recommend watching this playlist: Node-RED Essentials. The videos are done by the developers of node-red. They're nice & short and to the point. You will understand a whole lot in about 1 hour.

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