Manual Energy input for database and Grafana Dashboard


i dont have any chance to monitore my electricity meter at home.
I try to add a number pad and Date field on the node-red Dashboard to input my Meterscores with date in a database of Node-red.

After this run fine i want to visualize it with a 5 year bar chart on grafana.
How i can solve it?

My first impressions i got from another solution to use "join" with "payload.L1 + payload.L2 +payload.L3 +payload.L4 +payload.L5 +payload.L6 +payload.L7 +payload.L8 +payload.L9 +payload.L10 +payload.L11 +payload.L12" for calculate my energy adapter to monitore and summ of all inputs:

But i have much problems to get a functional front and backend for the node-red Dashbord Input

The Date is in a weird format and i dont know, how i can use the date to save the state on the date in the db. if i monitore it, i only get the timestamp of creation (today and not for example 31.01.2022)

Here my Work:

        "id": "a3601b868b3443f7",
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        "build": "object",
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        "hidden": false


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