First problem : all ui_spacers used in the dashboard have no more groups ! They appear to own to one of my flows.
Then "tcp in" node :
the output options are : stream of strings delimited by character "@'
Now, in this version, the output contains this character : why ?
I was at the end of my project, and now I have to correct everything!
Thanks for this good update !
It is a major version update, and there are always liable to be some issues after a major update, particularly the first version of the major update.
If you don't want to sort the problems for this project then you can go back to the previous one if you want to. Depending on how you installed node red it might just be a matter of running sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red@some.version.number
and restarting node-red.
Presumably you have been keeping backups of your flows file and package files.