I am using the Turf module to create a multipoint geojson on the node-red-contrib-worldmap. I am using the geojson properties to select the marker symbol, size and color. What I am seeing is one marker applying the symbol properties but the remaining markers are the default red teardrop with white circle. I would like to see the same marker style as defined in the properties for all points in the multipoint.
I am using the latest version of web-worldmap (2.38) in Flowforge.
I am attaching an image of what I see:
Here is the geojson:
{ "name": "DIFF FLTR SW", "layer": "oemEvents", "geojson": { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "DIFF FLTR SW", "title": "oem-events", "marker-size": "small", "marker-symbol": "fa-warning", "marker-color": "#ace" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPoint", "coordinates": [ [ -121.262817133304, 55.079570121853709 ], [ -121.26296908311616, 55.08022461863119 ], [ -121.26314970100212, 55.08025029355404 ], [ -121.26318632483282, 55.080261960728858 ], [ -121.2628182429498, 55.07966378977747 ], [ -121.26241540843121, 55.08556180650549 ], [ -121.26240251847629, 55.08471731634407 ], [ -121.26627765311483, 55.077599633049057 ], [ -121.26608940537696, 55.07742465784258 ], [ -121.26614800480989, 55.07775030858421 ], [ -121.2661375856292, 55.07701343661105 ], [ -121.26618841378401, 55.07780481032593 ], [ -121.26612188774591, 55.07697798119711 ], [ -121.26601485880544, 55.07553042210138 ], [ -121.26633692455498, 55.074997991762398 ], [ -121.26669054664272, 55.077582592772788 ], [ -121.26617373880804, 55.07748859305566 ], [ -121.26619922343532, 55.07779031426313 ], [ -121.254712655365, 55.06679947861222 ], [ -121.25821470603982, 55.06270277400221 ], [ -121.25745805522958, 55.063408629281209 ], [ -121.25210781361862, 55.06697350019816 ], [ -121.25351078040119, 55.06565329046843 ], [ -121.26702910970443, 55.077737596700497 ], [ -121.26624055761038, 55.077341786363408 ] ] } } }
[moderator note:] added a tag ‘flowforge’