Sorry, I know I asked back in.... November 2021.
I sort of got an answer, but after my efforts, I am still confused.
I have a node (on a machine) and it has this for the code:
<div id="GButtonM_DCT">
<md-button class="md-button program-names darkred">
<i class="material-icons">
<span> meeting_room</span>
<md-tooltip>Door Control</md-tooltip>
(function($scope) {
$('#GButtonM_DCT').on('click', function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent default behavior
$scope.send({"topic":"momentary_regular","payload": "Door control"});
Looking at the link supplied, it seems a whole different flavour of icons.
I can see I have to install this new batch to get them.
But the one I just posted works.
I am wanting to find where those icons are with that name set.
Those are md-(name)
The new ones are mdi-(name)
Same but different.
Someone - please?