Mdashboard slight issue?

Slider working of but not mqtt reception
Please see the video

so rather than have an unconnected debug node. Add one each to your slider and MQTT nodes and compare the output

Do you mean the chart works from the slider, but not from mqtt? If so then there must be a difference in the messages from the slider and from mqtt. As suggested, connect separate debug nodes to each and carefully compare the results.

No difference in message found. Can i send you the flow which i made to view

First post a screenshot showing the messages from each in debug pane

In this image we see that Gauge is getting number input but not showing the result.

but if we connects slider directly to Gauge it works but we have to connect it to mqtt node.
It all being done on mdashboard

And post the same screen shot but with slider connected direct and the guage working

Both are receiving same input

If you remove the function node and make a direct connection, it should work

Well, then you have to figure out what msg format the mdashboard requires.

When you use debug nodes, set them to show the complete msg. Check what you get from the slider when it works, compare the msg properties with what you get from the MQTT node and see if/how it differs

If you change both debugs to display the entire message, I think you will see that there is a difference between the two messages.

One would appear to have msg.topic set and one doesn't.

Important: Gauge which is working has additional property socketid with it So how can we add socketid with any message in node red

Is that the only difference you can see between the messages? What else do you see?

If you choose to use mdashboard and not the officially supported node-red-dashboard nodes, then you may well find issues no-one here knows the answer to as very few people here have ever looked at mdashboard.

In this case, I would guess, it uses the socketid property to identify which dashboard the data should be sent to. You would have to refer to the node's own help for any information on how to set that your self.

from the README

Note that this is not the official node-red-dashboard. This is a fork which solves a very specific requirement- widget state is emitted only to the socket origin that caused the change. For example, if two users have the same dashboard open and one user types into a text input, the other user will not get the text update. This works well when a typical web form like behavior is needed- multiple users can use the same dashboard url as a form to submit data back to the flow. This version of the dashboard can be installed along with the original node-red-dashboard- the UI configuration for the two dashboards are distinct and the settings appear in different tabs in the sidebar. Note that this changes the behavior of the original node-red-dashboard - specifically, one user's changes could overwrite another's without them knowing about it. In that sense, this dashboard is multi-user only for input- all dashboard users still share the same backend instance.


message content one is string type another is number type. but as the socketid property is set this issue seems to be resolved

Hello Sir,
I have found the solution.I need your help in implementing this.
We can query contect socketid as
var msg = { payload: msg.socketid};
global.set('sid', msg);
Work remain to pass this info to all messages of this client
//msg.socketid="Ia_BRze_HEK3jgKxAAAO"; // Successfully target achieved
msg.socketid = global.get('sid'); // No success
return msg;
HOW can we change msg.socketid Please Advice

Can I just check that you really do need to use mdashboard rather than the standard one? The issue you are seeing is specific to mdashboard.

I second that. This problem is mdashboard specific. The main node-red-dashboard does not do this, and is the one most users here are familiar with.

Note. You can’t run both. You would need to uninstall mdashboard first then install node-red-dashboard.

yes in multiuser environment we need to have separate screen for each user.if i have twenty set of temp-hum sensors on shop floor and if any user want to see nth sensor we need this. And for that matter there can be some inactive nodes too.