Meaning of this msg

Where can I fine the meaning of this msg?

dictionary? :wink:

What is the question? Your MQTT node is "connecting" (i.e. trying to connect to the broker configured) which in turn implies there is an issue with the settings of the broker config or your network is not permitting connection. Have you checked Node-RED logs?

Thanks for the response. My only training in NR is from an online video and my question was designed to lead me to a route of discerning the issue. This will give me a place to start.

I recommend watching this playlist: Node-RED Essentials. The videos are done by the developers of node-red. They're nice & short and to the point. You will understand a whole lot more in about 1 hour. A small investment for a lot of gain.

Thank you for the reply. That is just what I was looking for.

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