I try to create a datagram that contains variable texts. The datagram has fixed lenght for the texts, so i need ti add trailing blanks to the datagram.
unfortunately, JavaScript automaticalls removes trailing blanks and i get format errors from the receiver.
var ACK = msg.payload.ACK;
var Order_NR = msg.payload.ON;
var Empty16 = " "; // JS removes the content...
var Sta_Source = "Lernfabrik";
var Sta_Dest1 = "Montage01";
var Sequence_ID_Out = context.flow.get('ID_OUT'); // get last sequence number
Sta_Source += Empty16; // add trailing blanks
Sta_Source = Sta_Source.slice(0,16); // cut to 16 characters
Sta_Dest1 += Empty16; Sta_Dest1 = Sta_Dest1.slice(0,16);
if(ACK) msg.payload+="A0NEORNE"; // send with acknowledge
else msg.payload+=" 0NEORNE"; // send no acknowledge
Sta_Source+ // source target should be 16 chars
Sta_Dest1+ // destination target should be 16 chars
"00000"+ // Priority 5 chars
"00001"; // AGV Type 5 chars
Sequence_ID_Out ++;
if(Sequence_ID_Out>9999) Sequence_ID_Out=0; // sequence number rolls ober after 9999
context.flow.set('ID_OUT',Sequence_ID_Out); // store new sequence number
return [msg];
Instead of (This editor also eats blanks, even in preformatted text, so _ means "Blank")
"STA01STA020123 0NEORNE00001Lernfabrik _ _ _ _ _ Montage01 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0000000001"
i only get
"STA01STA020123 0NEORNE00001Lernfabrik Montage01 0000000001"
any help on this? I can't change the protocol since it is given by the manufacturer of the AGV.