Modbus temperature sensor

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to read temperature and humidity using my Raspberry pi4 form a Modbus sensor
using this rs485 Hat I bought here
I've enabled the serial port and tried a simple flow
It seems there is something wrong: at the beginning I see below the read node a green icon connected but when it tries to polling I get an error "Modbus Failure On State connected Get More About It By Logging".
I didin't wire the shield ground since the sensor works with a different powre supply and I measured 4 Volts between the sensor power supply ground and shield ground, but from what I've read that should work even without groud wire.
Could someone help me?

Thank you

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Hi rromele,
First of all thank's for your reply!!
I tried to modify as per your suggestion


But it still doesn't work

The strange thing is that as soon as I start node red I got those error messages

19 May 18:17:36 - [warn] [modbus-read:3b180a5b.d295d6] Modbus Failure On State sending Get More About It By Logging
19 May 18:17:36 - [error] [modbus-read:3b180a5b.d295d6] Timed out
19 May 18:17:36 - [error] [modbus-read:3b180a5b.d295d6] TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined

then it returns on connected until it tries to ask for data again..

I'm very new at this world and I have no idea on what is happening and I'm getting depressed :smile:

Thank you!!

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