Modify database table


I'm trying to use Dashboard 2 to modify data table. I have array of objects. Using table node, it shows data correctly.

What I want now is way to modify, delete or add one row. I can't find a suitable way to implement this.

I tryed to spilt data what comes from table to text , but it just creates one text input, but it just creates one text input.

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I tryed to create all kinds of form html templates, if I can create input fields, submit button does not work.

But there must be real, and good way to just edit row in ui-table?

Hi Ilkka

I am not familiar with the ui-table node but I have use cases where I do the sort of thing you describe using the ui-template node.

I'm not sure if you are open to using the ui-template node but if you are interested I have provided an example to get you started.

I have modified your sample flow to add a very crude example of a ui-template node that displays your data without any formatting.

Data fields can be edited in place. There are buttons for adding a new row as well as for deleting a row and reordering the rows.

The save button sends the entire array as the payload in an outgoing message.
The output is fed back as input to allow iterative editing.

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Add the tag Dashboard-2 to your post so that those interested in dashboard 2 will be more likely to see it.

Thanks of reply, but seems that I do not have clue how to add that after post is posted :see_no_evil:

Thanks, how ever this was not realy what I trying to do.

I solved this by like this. This just feels too complex way to do this.

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