Monorepo in node-red - What are your experiences after using it for quite a long time?


I'm wondering, if using a monorepo structure is a good idea nowadays, also for some other projects (outside of nore-red).

I red Moving Node-RED to a monorepo with multiple modules · knolleary and saw the presentation Managing Multiple NPM Modules in a Single Repo - London Node User Group - September 2019 - YouTube of @knolleary from 2019 - What are your experiences? Would you still follow this approach today?

Thanks a lot in advance,

I'm quite happy with it for what we need with Node-RED. Being able to develop across the multiple modules in one place without having to coordinate different repos makes life easier than it would otherwise be.

We don't do maintenance releases of individual modules - they all get published in step as needed. That would be harder to coordinate if they were all in separate repos.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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