MQTT Broker node not handling TLS Unsecure Server Certificate

Hello all, I am working on AWS device qualification program, for that it is required to clear some tests in AWS IoT Device Advisor test suite. I have used MQTT nodes to connect AWS IoT.

The test suite consist of

  1. MQTT Connect
  2. MQTT Subscribe
  3. MQTT Publish
  4. TLS Connect
  5. TLS Unsecure Server Cert
  6. TLS Incorrect Subject Name Server Cert

from these test cases 1 to 4 are passed, but the last two, TLS Unsecure Server Cert and TLS Incorrect Subject Name Server Cert got failed.

TLS Unsecure Server Cert failed with the message - EXPECT_DEVICE_DISCONNECT.

Details of test cases as stated here.
TLS Unsecure Server Cert
Validates that the client device closes the connection if it's presented with a server certificate that doesn't have a valid signature from the ATS CA. A device should only connect to an endpoint that presents a valid certificate.
Test case outputs:
Pass: The client device closed the connection.
Fail: The client device completed TLS handshake with AWS IoT.

TLS Incorrect Subject Name Server Cert
Validates that the client device closes the connection if it's presented with a server certificate for a domain name that is different than the one requested.
Test case outputs:
Pass: The client device closed the connection.
Fail: The client device completed TLS handshake with AWS IoT.

I checked the code of node-red mqtt node, it seems like the condition is missing in the mqtt node to close the connection when the TLS server cert validation fails. Following is a snippet I found in mqtt broker node.

if (typeof this.options.rejectUnauthorized === 'undefined') {
this.options.rejectUnauthorized = (this.verifyservercert == "true" || this.verifyservercert === true);

But the rejectUnauthorized is never used in the code, could someone suggest me where/how to add the condition in the code to successfully execute the test cases.

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