I´m using the (built in) MQTT-client to subscribe to my appliance state stream from the Electrolux IoT-platform. This works fine for a while, but then the "stream" seems to stop, and stays in that condition. The only way to start the data flow again is a to (re-)deploy my Electrolux MQTT flow.
What would be the remedy or method to get around this problem? Please advice
I have not seen any "disconnect messages" and I then probably need to set ut logging to file to get that since I do really not exactly know when the disconnect happens. Even if I got the messages, would it be of help? I have really not much documentaton of the broker other that the one on git. I now that the information stream stops at some point in time, and I can restart the stream by pressing the red "deploy" upper right corner button. Is probably not very elegant, but my idea was to "find" some function that could re-deploy the node or flow where the MQTT-client is.
I think you need to get that going in order to determine whether it is the broker or a node-red problem. What problem are you having? You should be able to connect with the same settings as you use in the node-red mqtt node.
Seems like the data stream just stops. I can however restart it by actually going into my Electrolux iOS app…some message probably going from the app to the broker restarting the stream.
Is there some way to re-subscribe from a broker?
Have a look at the Dynamic Subscription section of the mqtt node help text. You can send it a message telling it to unsubscribe, then another to the subscribe. That will not help though if the problem is between the broker and the publisher.
Hi again
I think the problem is on the broker side where Elextrolux most weekends seems to be tweaking and/or maintaing their applications/servers, apparently interrupting the MQTT data steam.
To "restart" the stream I send a "disconnect" followed by a "connect" to the broker. I do not need the dynamic subscription "thing", but I got the answer there. Thanks!