MQTT Commands using Sonoff RFbridge

Hi Gents,

My Setup is Home Assistant with RFbridge sonoff's flashed with tasmota and node red

I have an issue with my TV turning off and wanted to setup some debugging so I made my first dashboard.

I am logging the data successfully however I want to send the commands back to MQTT for testing.

I have tried to send MQTT commands back but I keep getting "unknown" in the tasmota console window

I have attached the flow

Any help is appreciated.. I am new to Node-red so please be gentle.

        "id": "6a1c4d7ea62a4d37",
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Hello @trevorf and welcome to the forum.

From your flow:

According to the Tasmota commands documentation, the RF Bridge commands you need are RfSync, RfCode, RfLow and RfHigh not Sync, Low, etc.

ps commands are case insensitive so your RFcode should work for RfCode.

Those values differ per keypress for the same key.
OP first needs to put the bridge into learning mode and assign the RfKeys, then it can be captured based on the RfKey.

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