Hi All, we appreciated that you can share all information about how we can use the node-red application. And following this, we have created a simple test for communicating through MQTT with two equipment but have the following issue.
We can send the Sparkplug message but when we want to check if the message is ok not come the last part of the message "Value" data.
We are using a Raspberry PI 4 with Mosquitto MQTT Broker and applying the Sparkplug codification into the node -red. To verify this we are using the same node-red application.
Could you please help us verify what is the error?
Many Thanks
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"name": "Sparkplug B Message",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n \"metrics\":\n [{\n \"name\":'Temp',\n \"alias\": 23,\n \"datatype\": 9,\n \"value\": msg.payload[0]\n }],\n \"seq\": 0\n}\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "Holding_Register",
"func": "var HR = msg.payload\nvar HRArray = []\n\nHRArray[0] = HR + 50 ;\nHRArray[1] = HR + 25 ; \nHRArray[2] = HR + 15;\nHRArray[3] = HR + 22;\nHRArray[4] = HR + 23;\nHRArray[5] = HR + 78;\nHRArray[6] = HR - 48;\nHRArray[7] = HR * 2 ;\nHRArray[8] = HR * 3;\nHRArray[9] = HR + 56;\n\nmsg.payload = HRArray\nreturn msg;",
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