This may well be a stupid question, in which case apologies for wasting peoples time . . .
I have a node-red app which offers out a dynamic web interface using a template node and websocket for dynamic interaction. Multiple users connect and use the user interface.
The user interface also has a page with a worldmap on. What I'm trying to do is default the worldmap starting location to the users lat+long when they connect. I can get their location ( successfully ) using the browsers geo location api.
So for example when a user connects, I can create and send back to the server a client generated guuid plus lat/long data. So for a particular user I know where they are - so far so good.
But presumably if I then use that info to default the start of the worldmap location, and connected user will see the map start point at the location of the latest connected user ?
What I'm confused about is how to create multiple instances of the map, one for each connected user, that defaults to their actual location. I know I can send the worldmap a payload with start lat/long, but that would simply be changed as multiple users connected wouldn't it ?
So it sent me down a mental rabbit hole where I'm unsure as to how multiple users are being 'seen' by the node-red server . . .
Does any of that actually make sense ?? Anyways, if it does, any thoughts appreciated,