Multiple queries postgresql

Hello everyone

I am trying to perform multiple queries with the node-red-contrib-postgresql node.
So I construct an array of queries "insert into" and send it to the node postgresql.
It is clearly indicated in the manual that it is possible but I can't do it.
Does anyone have a clue ?



Could you provide a more specific question? I can give you an example like this:

INSERT INTO "Downlinktype5"."Gsheet"(
	id, "MSSV", "Name", "Day_of_birth", "Class")
	VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);

The input is msg.params. Note that msg.params is an array, and the order in the array must correspond to the order of the columns.


Thanks for your interest !
I am trying to execute multiple queries in order to import XLS file.

The function "req" exit many sql queries "insert into".
How can I control postgresql node to execute all queries ?
I tried to use the outputs msg.tick and msg.complete from node postgresql

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