I used a change node to set msg.payload.inventory_item_id to 42112828440781
Next I use the graphql node (from node-red-contrib-graphql) to run the following GraphQL query:
inventoryItem(id: "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/{{inventory_item_id}}") {
variant {
product {
I set the node to use moustache templating. However, the {{inventory_item_id}} is being replaced with nothing. This results in the following error: "Invalid global id 'gid://shopify/InventoryItem/'"
The docs for node-red-contrib-graphql state:
If you select mustache, your template will be processed by Mustache with the message's payload as an argument. I.e.
submitted_template = mustache("template in text area", msg.payload)
Am I missing something?