Need help in date picker node

In order to read the file when the submit button is pressed the form has to feed into the file read node to trigger the read. You don't need any wires going into to the form node. Please read my last message again. There isn't much point me trying to help if you ignore my suggestions.

What flow? I haven't got a flow, I am just trying to help you develop it.

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Hello Everyone,

If I want to get the power/ battery level what is the process?
I seen you added the code
else {
var power=bytes[2];
return {
power: power, timestamp: new Date()

Can you please explain how we can get the power output along with temperature and humidity?

Thank you,

Is there some relevance of this question to the subject of the thread, which is about the data picker node?
Please start a new thread for a different subject.

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