Picking a date for display on chart

I'm trying to change the date to view the data collect in other days on my chart, I saw there's this
node called date picker, but I don't know to make it interact with the chart node.
Can anyone give me an idea to make it work?

Typically, the date selected is used in a query to the data source then the newly queried data set is sent to the chart.

For anyone to assist you will need to provide more info.

  • Where is the data stored? in a database? file? memory? other?
  • Explain and show us how you currently populate the chart?


as @Steve-Mcl suggests, i store the data in a mysql database and use the picked date in a mysql query where clause to get the data i want.

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I save my data in a json file, I don't know how to interact the date picking with the chart to change the date and the data from that day.

Save your chosen date in a flow context variable.
Use a switch node to compare each line from the file with the variable.
You may need a little jiggery-pokery to get the two dates in the same format.

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