New Utility: alternate-node-red-installer

So, I copied the folders from my other system (installation using your installer)

and it runs my installed nodes in the current version Node-RED 2.0.5
Command line...

"C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe" c:/nodered/node_modules/node-red/red.js --userDir c:/nodered/data

Thank you for your support.

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[Edit - I may have realised what I've done wrong so hold off answering this!]

Hi Julian
I've tried copying over an alternate 1.3.5 install from my Win machine to a Pi 4

I copied the whole folder and then ran npm update from within it

Got a few errors with missing nodes and stuff like that but sorted them out by re-installing them and it started up :slight_smile:
However - there's a problem with credentials :frowning:

1 Nov 12:05:02 - [warn] Error loading credentials: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ļæ½ in JSON at position 0
1 Nov 12:05:02 - [warn] Error loading flows: Error: Failed to decrypt credentials
1 Nov 12:05:02 - [info] Starting flows
1 Nov 12:05:02 - [error] [twitter in:8ea077ce.03d5b8] missing twitter credentials
1 Nov 12:05:02 - [error] [twitter in:d61c4ef7.507ed] missing twitter credentials
1 Nov 12:05:02 - [error] [twitter in:f1bbe5c9.23deb8] missing twitter credentials
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:8ed4a7e8.d67068] No Pushover api token set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:8ed4a7e8.d67068] No Pushover user key set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [e-mail in:fb3d2ae6.d89b78] No e-mail userid set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [e-mail in:fb3d2ae6.d89b78] No e-mail password set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [PushStaq:d7ec7657.60c368] API Key is not defined, aborting.
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [warn] [dropbox out:44702648.1f2418] Missing dropbox credentials
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [warn] [telegram receiver:c11dd2b1.5009] bot not initialized
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:1d8c00f7.87f97f] No Pushover api token set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:1d8c00f7.87f97f] No Pushover user key set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:f6c57dd5.16a2e] No Pushover api token set
1 Nov 12:05:03 - [error] [pushover:f6c57dd5.16a2e] No Pushover user key set

and my whole point of doing the wholesale copying was to keep my credentials and configs

Any idea as to why the error?

Hi Simon, you can't just get away with an npm update when changing platforms bacause none of the compiled libraries will work.

The best thing to do is to copy everything except node_modules for both the root (node-red) and userDir folders. Then in both folders, do an npm install. Which I think that you've already discovered.

In regard to the other error, that looks like a codepage/language issue. How did you do the copy? Maybe open the file in VScode and see what encoding and linefeed setting it has:


Re-credentials - I'd forgotten that unless you've set a secret - the credentials are tied to the original machine

It only took me about 20 mins to re-enter them (Twitter,Dropbox and Pushover) so I'm sorted with that :slight_smile:

Ah, yes I'd forgotten that as well. I always have that set so I never think about it (the warning msg triggers my OCD!)/

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