Ng-bind-html include more than 1 element in Template

Hey All,
I recently started converting my dashboard from letters/words to icons using the Material Icons library from google and using CSS to change the colors of the icons.

Here is a static version of what I'm looking for.

        "id": "0ed1c7a3148120c5",
        "type": "ui_template",
        "z": "6759bf7578d65fba",
        "group": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "name": "",
        "order": 1,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "format": "<span style=\"float:left; display: inline; clear:none;\">\n    TEST ZONE\n    <i class=\"material-icons big-icon\" style=\"color:firebrick; display: inline; font-weight: bolder; font-size: 150%;\">\n        power_settings_new\n    </i>\n    <i class=\"material-icons big-icon\" style=\"color:seagreen; font-size:150%;\">\n        lightbulb_outline\n    </i>\n    <i class=\"material-symbols-outlined\" style=\"color:darkorange;  font-size:150%;\">\n        mode_fan\n    </i>\n    <i class=\"material-symbols-outlined\" style=\"color:seagreen;  font-size:150%;\">\n        volume_up\n    </i>\n</span><br />\n\n",
        "storeOutMessages": true,
        "fwdInMessages": true,
        "resendOnRefresh": false,
        "templateScope": "local",
        "className": "",
        "x": 660,
        "y": 240,
        "wires": [
        "id": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "type": "ui_group",
        "name": "CLOCK",
        "tab": "c548a45fe690539c",
        "order": 1,
        "disp": true,
        "width": "6",
        "collapse": false,
        "className": ""
        "id": "c548a45fe690539c",
        "type": "ui_tab",
        "name": "Home",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "order": 1,
        "disabled": false,
        "hidden": true

But when I try to make the icons change dynamically I'm having a hard time getting multiple variables, i.e. icons, to render in a template. I'm starting out with 2 variables, I'm able to get msgs to dynamically render but never both at the same time.

Here's the code from the template

<span ng-bind-html="msg.eastLightStatus"></span>
<span ng-bind-html="msg.deerMode"></span>

<!-- The following works halfway, but only renders one msg, the last updated one -->
<span ng-bind-html="(msg.deerMode) + (msg.eastLightStatus)"></span>  

How can I get more than one msg to render in this template?


You can reference the msg properties with mustache format. eg

<span> {{msg.deerMode}} {{msg.eastLightStatus}} </span>

then you can use these properties to specify a colour or icon etc as required.

Hmm, I tried this but using this method sends the icons and text not as html. Also this method also only shows one element at a time.

Still stuck..

Not sure what you mean html is basically text, you can put anything the payloads ?
How are you sending the messages, if both properties don't exist in the msg then you will only see the one that does.

Can you give a better example of what you are sending and what you want it to do ?

I just had a look at your flow, I think you may be barking up the wrong tree.

I think you will find it a lot easier to use standard dashboard widgets to get the same results.

As an example this is one of my tabs all done with standard widgets.


Beautiful! Yes, that's the direction I'm heading in. Please share your flow so I can check it out.


Some examples of ui switch nodes, note the template is required to allow the use of extra icons from iconify

        "id": "db3067a063384197",
        "type": "ui_switch",
        "z": "be14baae.1728",
        "name": "Landing Light Auto",
        "label": "",
        "tooltip": "",
        "group": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "order": 2,
        "width": 2,
        "height": 1,
        "passthru": true,
        "decouple": "false",
        "topic": "auto.landing_light_auto",
        "topicType": "str",
        "style": "",
        "onvalue": "ON",
        "onvalueType": "str",
        "onicon": "iconify-mdi:motion-sensor 34px",
        "oncolor": "#ff8000",
        "offvalue": "OFF",
        "offvalueType": "str",
        "officon": "iconify-mdi:motion-sensor-off 34px",
        "offcolor": "grey",
        "animate": true,
        "className": "",
        "x": 2235,
        "y": 3000,
        "wires": [
        "id": "094f0e82e8a023fd",
        "type": "ui_switch",
        "z": "be14baae.1728",
        "name": "",
        "label": "Landing Light",
        "tooltip": "",
        "group": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "order": 1,
        "width": 3,
        "height": 1,
        "passthru": true,
        "decouple": "false",
        "topic": "cmnd/Landing/Power1",
        "topicType": "str",
        "style": "",
        "onvalue": "ON",
        "onvalueType": "str",
        "onicon": "fa-power-off fa-2x",
        "oncolor": "lime",
        "offvalue": "OFF",
        "offvalueType": "str",
        "officon": "fa-power-off fa-2x",
        "offcolor": "grey",
        "animate": true,
        "className": "",
        "x": 2225,
        "y": 3045,
        "wires": [
        "id": "3748928a8a8d0937",
        "type": "ui_switch",
        "z": "be14baae.1728",
        "name": "lounge_lamp Auto",
        "label": "",
        "tooltip": "",
        "group": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "order": 11,
        "width": 1,
        "height": 1,
        "passthru": true,
        "decouple": "false",
        "topic": "auto.lounge_lamp",
        "topicType": "str",
        "style": "",
        "onvalue": "auto",
        "onvalueType": "str",
        "onicon": "iconify-ic:outline-access-time 34px",
        "oncolor": "#ff8000",
        "offvalue": "stop",
        "offvalueType": "str",
        "officon": "iconify-ic:outline-access-time 34px",
        "offcolor": "grey",
        "animate": true,
        "className": "",
        "x": 2235,
        "y": 3090,
        "wires": [
        "id": "f6fed51b42800712",
        "type": "ui_template",
        "z": "be14baae.1728",
        "group": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "name": "allow iconify",
        "order": 9,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "format": "\n<script src=\"\"></script>",
        "storeOutMessages": true,
        "fwdInMessages": true,
        "resendOnRefresh": true,
        "templateScope": "global",
        "className": "",
        "x": 2215,
        "y": 2940,
        "wires": [
        "info": "<script src=\"\"></script>"
        "id": "c19b844d5d34a8cd",
        "type": "ui_group",
        "name": "CLOCK",
        "tab": "c548a45fe690539c",
        "order": 1,
        "disp": true,
        "width": "6",
        "collapse": false,
        "className": ""
        "id": "c548a45fe690539c",
        "type": "ui_tab",
        "name": "Home",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "order": 1,
        "disabled": false,
        "hidden": false
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