Node-RED 0.20.0-beta.3 released

Closing the loop on this question, based on information gathered from Slack channel.

Each of the sub modules are not standalone executables. It isn't an initial goal of 0.20

"node-red-contrib-mssql-plus", I thought was working fine until I upgraded to NR 20.0-beta.3. But I'm not sure if the 20.0-beta.3 is the problem. It's not exactly not working, but giving me an error when I click a button to pull data from a particular database. The one with the problem is MSSQL 2008-R2 and not another older database server which is 2002. The first flow gets data from the 2008R2 to get a part number then to pull data from a SKU parts table in 2002. The first queries work fine and the system gets back all it needs. The second attempt to update on a change yields an error "Object not found" citing the table name in the 2008R2 DB while the connection is still opened. Has anyone run into this with "node-red-contrib-mssql-plus"? Which MSSQL nodes are best? and does anyone have a favourite? Has anyone run into this sort of thing using the new beta.3? Thanks.

Show us the query you are running and the exact error message please. Assuming you are feeding the query in a message then put a debug node in to show the query.

@tree-frog please start a new topic on this. If it proves to be related to the Beta, then you can provide an update here. I don't want this topic to turn into debugging the mssql-plus node - its for feedback on the beta.

Hi @TotallyInformation

finally got around to looking at the duplicate context issue you mentioned.

I think this is probably expected behaviour, albeit slightly unfortunate.

You have configured two separate localfilesystem storage modules, but left them both to use the same path as you don't provide a base directory setting to either. That means they use the same files on disk; writing to one will make the value appear in the other - albeit depending on your cache setting, it may not appear until a restart.

If you want to use multiple separate localfilesystem stores, you must give them different base settings. The default setting is context inside the user directory.

contextStorage: {
        default: {
            module: "localfilesystem"
            // this will use ~/.node-red/context/...
        memory: {
        file: {
            module: "localfilesystem",
            base: "another-context"
            // this will use ~/.node-red/another-context/...

I describe this as unfortunate as I suspect its all too easy to fall into this mistake without a careful reading of the docs. We should make it clearer.

Doh! Not sure why I didnā€™t think of that really. I guess I was thinking that Iā€™d set up two stores and chosen the default one of them rather than thinking of default as another store.
