🎉 Node-RED 1.0 Released

Just one final post to explain the difference. node-red-start leaves the log running in the console. node-red-restart does not, it just restarts the service. So one has to do node-red-restart && node-red-log to achieve the same thing.

Isn't this the same kind of symptom we experienced earlier with other parts? Like node.send in function nodes?

Is like throwing a handful of coins up in the air, you do not know in what order they will land but you better know how to sort them once they are picked up again

But it also illustrates the good reason for changing the way NR works doesn't it? This was a bug but wouldn't have shown itself except in a rare edge case, now it is obvious.

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Yeah, I do not argue against, it's just that you have to know what you are doing and the way it was before "allowed" for things maybe showing up as "surprises". The way it worked, as what I think is meant by the term flow, one after the other, maybe also made you think too much serial

Thanks Nick and all the team involved in reaching this milestone, right on time :+1: !
Kudos !!!

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Is anyone else missing the copy path / copy value icons in the debugger window with v1.0.0?

Update: they are missing in latest version of Chrome but they are working in the latest versions of Safari & Firefox.

Any errors in the browser console? They work fine for me in all browsers.

Working fine here with the latest Chrome on Manjaro Linux.

There were no console errors.

It's working fine in Chrome now after a Command+Shift+R on the tab running Node-RED... I am assuming it was some sort of browser cache issue?

Using Chrome v77.0.3865.90 here on Windows 10, copy path/value icons are present and working ...

Working fine with Firefox 69.0.2 (Windows 7).

Since I update nodered whith this release, one of my flows doesn't work anymore :cry:
I reproduce the problem with few nodes and code:

As you can see on the debug console, the payload array disappear :thinking:
I already remove and re-install nodered....

Thanks for your help

can you let us know the name of that extra node (node-red-contrib-???) and provide your test flow (read this first)

This is the green extra node: node-red-node-snmp.snmp subtree
And my test flow:

[{"id":"e728b9ae.b7a4c8","type":"tab","label":"Flow 2","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"df9eed44.3844f","type":"inject","z":"e728b9ae.b7a4c8","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":350.0187683105469,"y":297.0249938964844,"wires":[["4f276b88.c15e04"]]},{"id":"4dd8063b.257c78","type":"debug","z":"e728b9ae.b7a4c8","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","x":947.024772644043,"y":188.9937162399292,"wires":[]},{"id":"c6f76aa9.9c9a58","type":"function","z":"e728b9ae.b7a4c8","name":"just returning msg","func":"\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":901.0249786376953,"y":307.0187187194824,"wires":[["4dd8063b.257c78"]]},{"id":"4f276b88.c15e04","type":"snmp subtree","z":"e728b9ae.b7a4c8","host":"localhost","community":"public","version":"2c","oids":"","timeout":5,"name":"srv-pi001 sysUpTime","x":589.6187362670898,"y":299.8562717437744,"wires":[["c6f76aa9.9c9a58","4dd8063b.257c78"]]}]

[edit]?? how did you install it? where did you get it from? never mind, I see it is part of node-red-node-snmp - let me take a look

[update] ok, sorry I can't help since I don't have and SNMP knowledge :woozy_face:

Can you try adding this cloning function node on the output of your node SNMP node and see what happens?

@zenofmud : I installed it with the GUI palette manager, and that work fine before updating release 1.0.0.
@cymplecy : I add the cloning function, and the twice nodes returns [ empty ] :worried:
I try another flow test: the two function nodes are exactly the same (return msg;), and the result is really bizarre :face_with_monocle::

Do you mean both messages in the debug node are empty?

yes, like on debug console: msg.payload : array[0] -> [ empty ]

This is going to need @dceejay or @knolleary to sort out I think - something seems to be going wrong if the message is cloned