I've just upgrade from NR 1.33 to 2.01 - thanks guys for a smooth upgrade this time - no issues with any nodes - probably due to me being on nodejs 14.17.2...
Any idea what I need to fix there so I can use the new Monaco editor and keep the original black edit window I had before adding that codeEditor section? Sorry if these are dumb questions.
Oh, I wasn't going to mention that - you mean this? shading on the right?
I've no idea how to upgrade a theme.... and am I right in saying NR 2.0.2 is not actually out? I only saw 2.0.1 last night and figured I was installing the latest...
I have - but I'm in Southern Spain and this time of the year I have to keep the blinds closed so I can see the screen So I could not tell you if it's light or dark out there. Correct that - it's BRIGHT.
I've just updated to NR 2.0.2 and my editor has gone back to white. I JUST had it in DARK using the VS theme - absolutely all I did was update to NR 2.0.2, restart NR and hit refresh on the (Chrome on Windows 10) browser and I swear it's reverted to the white background.
Use theme "vs-dark" - it's the built in dark theme by Microsoft.
You can also test it by pressing f1 in the code editor and type theme then choose dark theme but it won't "stick" until you update the settings file and restart/refresh
I just tried your vs-dark - and it works - thanks - in NR 2.0.1 vs came up dark - but not any more - I guess that was an issue with 2.0.1 - still - vs-dark works.
Of interest, I used npn to set up the available themes as mentioned higher up - yet when as you suggest, I hit F1 then themes... the only ones I'm seeing are:
i.e. 4 themes - I must be missing the point - but I'm happy with vs-dark - it works.
The other themes for monaco are additional themes (not by MS) so not listed in monaco (though they could be with a bit of coding) but there is a bit more to it than that - the vsvs-dark and hc-black are built in but the additional themes i included for use have to be loaded into memory to be used - therefore they can only be selected by a setting in settings.js.
There is a possibility we could dynamically load them but that is for another time.
Another thing to look at is the possibility of the node-red themes setting the monaco theme accordingly.