🎉 Node-RED 2.1.4 released

npm expects package versions to follow best practice and so will not automatically update anything where the major version has changed unless you tell it to explicitly. npm outdated indicates this by telling you there is a difference between the wanted and latest columns.

That's why I recommend simply using npm install -g node-red@latest --unsafe-perm --production in an npm script so that you don't need to worry about it. All you need to know is whether it needs updating or not. Though you should obviously decide for yourself when you want to jump to a new major version.

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Yes, there is a folder called node_modules, with 394 folders within that folder. is that not OK ?

Yes, Sure, during my first exposure to node-red, i might have chosen wrong steps, but since it was (and still is) working fine for me, may be i did not realize this issue (if it is one)

its no problem ..
but to be on the safe side (and you havent been installing any other nodejs applications in that folder)
instead of telling you to delete them .. better just rename
node_modules to node_modules_old
package-lock.json to package-lock.json.old

ps. only the ones in C:\Users\Manjunath.S

Thanks, appreciate your help. will do.

Hi Nick,

I just upgraded one windows machine to latest version 2.1.4 and by the way activated the monaco editor.

And noticed that I can't type into the editor. The browser console shows this:

and counting up each keyboard press.

I haven't used monaco on this machine before to I only added the codeEditor parameter to editorTheme

    // Customising the editor
    editorTheme: {
        projects: {
            // To enable the Projects feature, set this value to true
            enabled: true
	    codeEditor: {
			lib: "monaco"

Any Idea?

This is a known issue. A naughty node you have installed is polluting the prototype of something I long forgot.

2 ticks I'll update this when I find the link (or simply search part of the error you see to find the solution)


Here you go - follow this.

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Great thank you for the link. I use at least one of the suspects.

I have a question regarding keeping, in some way, the list of flows that are displayed vs. hidden perhaps in the configuration? I tried closing and opening the editor on this upgrade and there seems to be no persistence.

I noticed that too ..
if you hide the Flows from the Information tab though (using the eye icon) it will be persistant


(the changes this way are saved for that browser in LocalStorage)

It's a deliberate design decision not to hide anything when project is opened

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As per the release blog post that introduced the feature:

For this first release of the feature, the hidden state of a tab is stored in user preferences within the editor - it is not a property of the flow itself. This means you can’t share a set of flows with another user and have some of the tabs pre-hidden. It is an open point of discussion as to whether we want to allow that behaviour.

That means a particular browser should remember what is hidden. If that isn't what you see, please raise an issue with full details of what you do/don't see happen.

Please explain this "when project is opened". Is that a condition to "Cannot Save Hide" vs. some condition where you "can save Hide"?

I'm running
and I have Windows 10
Firefox Browser 95.0
Node-RED 2.13 Keeps Hidden Tab information

Linux Mint 20.2
Firefox Browser 95.0
Node-RED 2.14 Does Not Keep Hidden Tab information

The state of shown/hidden is stored in the browser localStorage - which is managed by the browser. Different browsers may have different retention policies (eg based on total data stored for example) - but I would expect the same browser version to be fairly consistent across platforms. If that storage gets flushed for some reason (maybe an upgrade for example) then any local data may be lost.

OK, so is there any traction for a way to preserve this list of tabs for a user? So we can either have a memory to work from or force a user through configuration management for them? I realize this is out of the normal for programmers which are singular users. For Industrial applications if no security is applied, but only a list of normally available tabs by "default" is useful for areas of interest which should and then should not be accessed. I realize since this means is not an exclusion, but a suggestion.

I had previously submitted "Filtering" the nodes, therefore by naming convention you can access flows of kind in the display vs. weeding through them in either display for function. Applying a saved Filter in the dropdown etc. for preferences...

Can you describe exactly how to reproduce the problem please?

@Colin ,
This issue seems to be only on my Linux laptop. I just upgraded to 2.14 on Win10 and its still working to remember my flow states.

On my Linux laptop, I had a few flows open on my system after upgrading to 2.14. I tried closing the browser and opening it. It did not "remember" my flows "Hidden/Show". I closed Node-RED and thus the browser as well. I opened it and then it also did not "remember" the states.

On my Windows 10, I closed the browser and it opens it the way it was.

One more missing spot

Thanks @Marooned - well spotted. Already fixed in git.