🎉 Node-RED 3.0.0-beta.2 released


Whats the call with the NPM update that comes up at the end of the Beta install (installing on Ubuntu 20.04) - should we be updating NPM now as well or is that just going to muddy the water with issues ?


If it ain’t broke… don’t fix it.


Thanks - will leave well enough alone !


Just tried to use the Read File node, but the Filename appears to be a typed input, instead of accepting a path?

Node-RED version: v3.0.0-beta.2
Node.js version: v14.19.3
Linux 5.10.103-v7+ arm LE


Did you try changing the type to 'string' so you can type in a path?

No, I guess I was expecting to see...


...like it was previously, which in context of the readme probably was clearer (for me!).
Could I suggest renaming the string typed input label to path, and make that the default?

The reason it was changed was that there was no hint that leaving the field blank (the default behaviour) would then use msg.filename.

I agree that labelling it path or similar would be worth considering.

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Just my two cents but the typed input is fine with me and better than previous as it's now explicit and not implied
And I've actually used 3 of them in recent projects with 3beta2 and all OK.


Hi ,

I finally got down to install the v3 Beta 2.
Cool stuff . Thank You for this.

  1. The junction nodes - do make the clutter easier to manage. For now doing it manually - till i get the hang if the action associated with it.

  2. Tracing the flow during debug becomes much easier with - tooltip on debug sidebar messages to show full path

  3. Link Call Node - Amazing stuff. This helps me get rid some contrib nodes which broke 2.2 .

One think which i am seeing - if we need to have a flow which has multiple such dynamic components - then it means - before for every such call ... msg.target needs to be set.

Example - i have around 10 or more dynamic portions - which each user can define what he wants to call. It means add 10 Change Nodes ....

Wouldn't it be more extensible- that when user selects dynamic target ... he can type the Link In node name from any options (string/ msg attribute/ flow variable/global variable / env variable / Jsonata expression ) - with default being msg.target if no such option is selected for dynamic target.

Since anyways this is a dynamic call - all of above options can qualify. Hope i could convey my thoughts.

I am aware this is more of design discussion - do let me know if should raise it separately.

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Hi ,

Did - any input/feedback on my above query ?
Maybe with 3.1 ?

No immediate feedback. It is something we can consider.

Noted . Thanks Nick.

NR 3.0.0 beta 2
node names exceed the size of the node past 14 characters. This happens on a Mac using Safari while FireFox and Chrome are fine.

"Good" old Safari! Gotta love Apple approach to the world (which doesn't bear repeating in an open forum).

All hail the new safarIE (as of tomorrow :partying_face::balloon::tada::confetti_ball:)

Ah, I love the doubttalk from Microsoft. Pretending they are removing it but actually only removing the .exe file :grimacing: All of the underlying libraries are still there and still usable via Edge's IE mode!

Still, I have to agree with them, it is time for it to go. You wouldn't believe the troubles we've had in the NHS trying to get people and systems to stop using it :frowning: Let alone the screams from people still using Flash, Java web apps and Silverlight!

Not working, at the moment at least

docker pull nodered/node-red-dev
Error response from daemon: manifest for nodered/node-red-dev:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

Beta 3 has just been released and will probably take a couple of hours to get up there


We don't (and never have) tag the beta builds with "latest" you need to explicitly include the build name.

e.g. nodered/node-red-dev:v3.0.0-beta.2

nodered/node-red-dev:v3.0.0-beta.3 will be built this morning


3.0.0-beta.3 builds now up, but please read this announcement: