🎉 Node-RED 3.1.0-beta.4 released

dashboard 3.5.0.

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I think I have got it.
Somehow the problematic mqtt config node has acquired a new option in flows.json
"autoUnsubscribe": true,
Deleting those lines from flows.json and restarting node-red clears the problem, at least until they re-appear.

I will raise an issue.

Yes, as you describe

Do you see the autoUnsubscribe line(s) in flows.json? And are you definitely on 3.0.2?

That's above my pay grade. But later today I will try to see if it's there,

Are you definitely running 3.0.2?

Yes definitely

See issue autoUnsubscribe option in mqtt broker node causing red triangles in editor · Issue #4291 · node-red/node-red · GitHub

If you are using an editor to look in the flows file then make a copy of the file first, in case you accidentally mess it up. Make sure you use a straight text editor, not something like Word which will mess it up.

Did a global search on both of my sick machines and did not find that entry

In that case I think you have a different problem.

Maybe start a new thread (as your issue is not to do with the beta), describe the problem you are seeing in your own words, and we can try and sort it out.

Is there a timeframe for the v3.1.0 release?

I note that node.js v16 is now already in maintenance mode and expires in September - does this mean that the baseline node.js version will move to v18?

It has been pencilled for release for some time. All I can say is it is imminent. Almost everything is in place (tour guide updated, i18n updated etc). Time is the only enemy at the moment. But soon. Real soon.

No. It is to follow the plan. However, the tests run against 16 & 18 so there is not really any reason to stay in 16

In fairness, node 16 was cut short by 7 months

In all fairness to the developers, I really don't care if I have to deploy twice. I can live with it and maybe somewhere down the line it gets fixed as part of something else.

Assuming that you are talking about your problem with MQTT then it is unlikely to get fixed as your problem is different to the one with the beta release. As far as we know you are the only one suffering from it.

The question becomes, is it really worth the developers efforts since it's only me and it could be some quirk in how my systems are setup.

I does not necessarily need developer's effort. The community is here to help.
[Edit] And if it is a bug then they want to know as others will fall over it at some point.

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I think I've come across a bug when using 3.1.0-beta.4.
I'm currently on node v18.16.1.
Windows 10.

I use subflows a lot (roughly 150 of them in this project) and this issue was not happening until my recent changes. The recent change is I started using the "Catch" node with the new beta "Group" option:
This is a really cool and convenient feature - but it (perhaps) has broken my project.
Maybe in conjunction with subflows?

On startup I see the following errors (TypeError: node.scope.map is not a function.
This is repeated maybe 20 times:

Any help would be much appreciated.



I am seeing the same issue. This flow shows it. The error appears in the log when node-red is restarted and the flow does not work.

[{"id":"039005d502896edb","type":"subflow","name":"Subflow 1","info":"","in":[{"x":50,"y":30,"wires":[{"id":"7662deb88cab3cbe"}]}],"out":[{"x":800,"y":140,"wires":[{"id":"7662deb88cab3cbe","port":0}]},{"x":800,"y":200,"wires":[{"id":"6f18a6e32a2f8def","port":0}]}]},{"id":"7662deb88cab3cbe","type":"function","z":"039005d502896edb","g":"9a74e2979cb28746","name":"function 5","func":"//let x=0\n//x.fred = 1\nnode.warn(\"in f5\")\nnode.error(\"oops\",msg)\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"timeout":0,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":440,"y":140,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"6f18a6e32a2f8def","type":"catch","z":"039005d502896edb","g":"9a74e2979cb28746","name":"","scope":"group","uncaught":false,"x":450,"y":200,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"9a74e2979cb28746","type":"group","z":"039005d502896edb","style":{"stroke":"#2e333a","stroke-opacity":"1","fill":"#383c45","fill-opacity":"0.5","label":true,"label-position":"nw","color":"#dddddd"},"nodes":["6f18a6e32a2f8def","7662deb88cab3cbe"],"x":354,"y":99,"w":192,"h":142},{"id":"72cab79983d3f248","type":"subflow:039005d502896edb","z":"bdd7be38.d3b55","name":"","x":580,"y":2500,"wires":[["8c2483a1f0e6b663"],["458d6034cefdf45e"]]},{"id":"ed21d62cce182ca3","type":"inject","z":"bdd7be38.d3b55","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":380,"y":2500,"wires":[["72cab79983d3f248"]]},{"id":"8c2483a1f0e6b663","type":"debug","z":"bdd7be38.d3b55","name":"debug 100","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":750,"y":2500,"wires":[]},{"id":"458d6034cefdf45e","type":"debug","z":"bdd7be38.d3b55","name":"debug 101","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":750,"y":2560,"wires":[]}]