I just installed node-red on a new system using the bash script and ended up with node-red version 4. I imported my flow and it all seemed to work. Then I went into a function node to look at what I'd done years ago. When I closed the function node it has a red triangle on it and says there is a javascript error.
How did this work initially and then decide there was an error after I opened and closed it?
I cut and pasted the javascript code in the node from another instance on different system (that is working) and it still gives the error after I hit "Done".
What has changed to cause this? Here is the code:
Install point-in-polygon with:
cd ~/.node-red
npm install point-in-polygon
var inside = require('point-in-polygon'); // doesn't work in node-red.
So must edit .node-red/settings.js and add:
functionGlobalContext: {
Requires a node-red restart when finished.
var inside = global.get('insidePolygon');
msg.InAlertRegion=true; // default is to accept detection anywhere in image
// screen for LR box point in reagion
var poly=[[]];
// polygon points picked from image using GIMP
poly=[ [500,1600], [1550,1200], [2200,700], [3841,500], [3841,1500], [2200, 2161], [1400,2161] ];
else if(msg.filename.includes("CliffwoodNorth"))
poly=[ [-1,1980], [3500,400], [3840,380], [3840, 2160],[-1,2160] ];
else if(msg.filename.includes("CliffwoodSouth"))
poly=[ [50,250], [250,750], [3840,1900], [50,1900] ];
//else if(msg.filename.includes("Intersection"))
// poly=[ [-1,1000], [900,1100], [3841,1500], [3841,2161], [-1,2161] ];
else if(msg.filename.includes("HummingbirdRight"))
poly=[ [-1,1100], [2400,900], [3841,1650], [3841,2161], [-1, 2161] ];
else if(msg.filename.includes("FrontDoor"))
poly=[[-1,900], [600,1100], [600,900], [3841,1100], [3841,2161], [-1,2161], ];
else if(msg.filename.includes("HummingbirdLeft"))
poly=[[1200,850], [500,1600], [-1,2161], [3841,2161], [3841,1000], [3000,1000]];
if(poly.length > 2)
msg.InAlertRegion = inside([msg.endX, msg.endY], poly); // returns false if point not inside polygon
if(msg.InAlertRegion === false)
return msg; // no need to test for bogus object if out of the alert region.
// filter for box points matching bogus detection of static object
// var bogus=[[ ULx.ULy, LRx,LRy, tol ]];
// UL,LR of reject object obtained from bogus AI detection image overlay text
// CamBogus = [ [ startX,startY, endX,endY, tolerence] ]; // multiple bogus detections can be in a frame, so 2D array, N by 5.
var bogus= [ [] ]; // empty 2D array is 1 by 0
/* Idea is that -y8v option makes these no longer necessary
bogus=[ [1300,670, 1420,790, 0.8], // plumbing pipes/valves
[636,621, 1091,1078, 0.3], // pool filter tank
[806,535, 1260,1083, 0.3], // pool filter tank
[441,198, 908,810, 0.3] ]; // pool chemical storage cans
}else if(msg.filename.includes("KitchenDoor"))
bogus=[ [870,255, 1490,650, 0.2] ]; // table on patio
else if(msg.filename.includes("HummingbirdLeft"))
bogus=[ [2918,235, 3343,916, 0.3] ]; // tree trunk, so far only see these with CPU or NCS AI
else if(msg.filename.includes("MailBox"))
bogus=[ [883,117, 1606,122, 0.2] ]; // morning shadows on mailbox
else if(msg.filename.includes("SideYard"))
bogus=[ [864,136, 864,674, 0.2] ]; // afternoon shadows on tarp, so far only see these with CPU or NCS AI
if(bogus[0].length == 5){
for (var i=0; i<bogus.length; i++){
// screen cameras I don't want alerts from for now.
if( msg.filename.includes("Inter")|| msg.filename.includes("Plate") || msg.filename.includes("Reo") ){
if(msg.InAlertRegion === true)
msg.filename=msg.filename.replace("AI", "AI.alert"); // for QA/QC want to know what would trigger alerts.
return msg;
No clue as to what it doesn't like about my javascript code.