
Hi folks, I was experimentating some problems with palette node-red-contrib-mssql. Then I saw that any update was made in 7 years ago. So now I have upgrade to plus mssql palette, and shows me this error:

Insert query:

INSERT INTO [acabados].[dbo].[contadores_agua] (m3_Parciales_Pozo2,m3_Totales_Pozo2,m3_Parciales_Pozo3,m3_Totales_Pozo3,m3_Parciales_Pozo4,m3_Totales_Pozo4,m3_Parciales_Pozo5,m3_Totales_Pozo5,m3_Parciales_Pozo6,m3_Totales_Pozo6,m3_Parciales_Permo1,m3_Totales_Permo1,m3_Parciales_Permo2,m3_Totales_Permo2) VALUES (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,243268,0,242949,0,127255,0,218259)

Degug of mssql-plus node

{"message":"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'execSql')","details":"Cannot read properties of null (reading 'execSql')","name":"TypeError"}

What I'm doing wrong?

Best Regards,
Juan Carlos

Share a minimal flow that reproduces the issue. Use standard core node-red nodes only (use inject/function/change node to simulate input data) and the MSSQL-PLUS node.

Select the nodes of interest, press CTRL-E then copy to clipboard and paste into a code block in the forum response.

Also, share a screenshot of the MSSQL node and the MSSQL config node.