Node-red-contrib-mpi-s7 installation problem

While install node-red-contrib-mpi-s7 in NODE-RED manage palette, although it is installed , but it displays MODULE_NOT_FOUND. I cannot find the reason .

Stop node-red and start it again in a command window. Post the full output that you get in the command window. There is very likely an error shown there.

I note, though, that there are a number of unaddressed issues reported on the node's github page over the last two years which have no response from the author, so I suspect that the node may be abandoned.

Colin , thanks a lot .
2025-03-14T02:32:45.098Z 安装 : node-red-contrib-mpi-s7 1.0.0

2025-03-14T02:31:49.339Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --no-fund --save --save-prefix=~ --omit=dev --engine-strict node-red-contrib-mpi-s7@1.0.0

2025-03-14T02:31:53.448Z [out]

2025-03-14T02:31:53.448Z [out] added 1 package in 3s

2025-03-14T02:31:53.467Z rc=0

but install from command window , please following :slight_smile:

After installation , the MODULE_NOT _FOUND displays again.

I think the same as you , the node maybe abandoned.
Thanks again for your reply

You don't appear to have answered my question.

It might be your node version is too old for the node!

If you do what colin asks, we could assess this.