This is the module I'm I'm using
I'm familiar with Redis and have successfully set up Publish and Subscribe workflows.
Also, I successfully set up LPUSH and RPOPLPUSH workflows.
By default, Redis stores information as a key-value pair where the value is a string, and I've been serializing JSON to a string for this.
I now need to start working with JSON. Objects in Redis, I have a Redis Stack server running with the JSON module and can set and get JSON in the redis-cli.
JSON.SET 'JBV315EByZ3blpuIOf26' $ '{"index":"audit-trail","documentId":"JBV315EByZ3blpuIOf26","timestamp":"2024-09-09T15:46:13.671Z","event":{"nodeId":"5","filespace":"lucid.blansys","filespaceUuid":"7e9bee12-f4c2-4a8b-b494-5cf69fbbec2e"},"source":{"offset":"1640","filename":"/media/lucidlink/.lucid_audit/5/2024/09/2024-09-09T15.34.23Z.log.active"},"operation":{"action":"Move","entryPath":"/image019.jpeg","fileId":"5:10098"},"device":{"hostName":"Deans-MacBook-Pro.local","osVersion":"23.6.0","osName":"Darwin"},"user":{"name":"DeanHolmes","id":"eb5eb7b2-7a33-45d5-b8ee-2ba254038712"},"target":{"destination":"","process":"new","lastupdate":""}}'
I'm trying the same through the Node-Red Redis plugin, I have tried many permutations of the arguments and get the same error.
"ReplyError: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'json.set' command"
I have tried sending the payload as
I have sent the key under msg,topic and payload
I have tried without the root '$,' and I always have the same error.
I have tried setting some of the params in the module prefs