Node red dashboard from bluemix cloudant data


I have implemented a node-red flow on bluemix to take data from my IoT device and send it to a cloudant database.

My IoT device only sends data once every few hours so I'd like to plot historical data sent by the device on the UI dashboard available in node-red (say a chart).

How do I do this?

What’s the flow you have got?

Currently I have this

[{"id":"2128778a.c4ed58","type":"function","z":"262cb265.e8845e","name":"Parser","func":"function returnTime(value){\nreturn new Date((value)*1000 + 39600000);\n}\n//Make sure you change the Epoch offset timezone 39600000 according to your timezone\n//Here it is set to Sydney (GMT +11:00).\nvar time = msg.payload.time;\nmsg.payload.time = '' + returnTime(time).toLocaleString();\n\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":353.1666793823242,"y":257.0000276565552,"wires":[["6e9ea96c.84d898","11883020.cfddd"]]}]

I figured it out. Used a chart node to plot data parsing the temperature through as a payload.