I'm new to Node-red and I'm coming from a c++ background with some experience building angular 10+ front end applications and connecting them using MQTT, sockets, ROS etc..
I love the idea of fusing Node-red as the glue to pulling together different systems that need to communicate with different protocols. I'll continue to write our core back end services in c++ but I need to speed up how we joining all the different subsystems we use to build a full system.
Where I am really struggling to get my head around is what is the best UI to use to present to a user as we have a number of difference requirements for different projects?
These applications that are being developed will be commercial offerings that feature vision hardware (cameras and laser scanners for scanning and inspection of components on a production line). The interface does not have to be a browser
So here are some of the questions I have
Does Node-red dashboard only allow you to create a single page web application?
I need to create a widget of some sort that can visualise 3D laser scan data as it scans. I was thinking of using threejs for the drawing but I could use anything really based around opengl. Can I create my own custom widget to include the threejs library and add this to the dashboard pallete to be used again and again in projects or would this have to be done in UI builder?
Can I mix and match dashboard widgets with UI builder on the same web page?
What are my options if I want to create more of a desktop application written in c#
For forms and persistence of data if I use UI builder is there an an easy way to display and store the data in forms.
Can you create wizards with dashboard or would this have to be done in UI builder
Seeing as I have used angular before can I create my own GUI with visual studio code as before and then use UI builder to connect the two 'applications'? Only problem I have with this is the length of time it takes to create the user interface - it's slow and cumbersome..... but very flexible
Hope these questions make sense
Thanks in advance