Node-RED google home integration

After installing this module, only scene switch and outlet nodes are shown. Other nodes are greyed out/dotted within the Palette/Node browser. The switch node does work however. A remove of an node red module npm uninstall node-red-contrib-nora to do a reinstall does need seem to work. Any suggestions?

I'm getting an unexpected payload output when asking Google to turn ON the Thermostat node, or in my case an air conditioner. Instead of the payload.mode showing as "on" it's shows as "cool". I think it must be an error because "on" is a supported mode. The voice output from my Google Home is "Ok changing the air conditioner to cool".

Also having dificulties upgrading to 0.24. Getting the right messages it seems, but still showing 0.23.

You need to be in your ~/.node-red directory

Thank you. That worked.

Right now all my Nora Devices are showing "not connected". Is there something wrong with the service?

Maybe just the daily restart. Does it work now?

They were in a 'not connected' state for quite a while last night before I went to bed. This morning they're all connected again. Thanks.
I thought it might have been Heroku running out of hours at the end of the month.

Nope, not the case.

I've sent the Nora thermostat ambient temperature and humidity values from a sensor inside my house.

var sensortemperature = msg.payload;
msg.payload =
temperature: + sensortemperature
return msg;

var sensorhumidity = msg.payload;
msg.payload =
humidity: + sensorhumidity
return msg;

When I query the device with the command "What's the air conditioners temperature" I get a valid response.
But how do I query for the humidity? Nora/Google doesn't recognise any command I ask about humidity.

Further on from above more questions about the thermostat.
When I input payload temperature: why does the thermostat turn off?

Thank you.

Can I get the code you have written in function node which will inject data to mqtt node. I also want to know how to configure nora node so that it will connect to my google assistant...Can u please help me???

Hi Andrei

I accidentally shared my auth token publicly. Is it possible to remove one?


Not yet... :frowning:

There's a new button on that can revoke the node-red token (and generate a new one). Be aware that a revoked token doesn't also close the ongoing connection for now (but it will not allow new connections). Meaning that it make take up to 24h (until the service restart) for the revoked token to become unusable - for now.

That's perfect!! Thanks Andrei!

Hei, i have been using Nora for a few nights now and i am very impressed, and hope to make it part of my final home auto setup.
I am using node red Nora to send (Http) calls to my Fibaro Home center, lights and scenes work perfectly.
I want to realize a last function with termostats , maybe somehow /sometime you could look at this ?
Here is an idea of my set up.

Edit: have fixed thermostats now. Great work Andrei, will happily make a donation.

This is general node-red stuff, not really related to NORA and it's also strongly coupled with the http api for fibaro. You need to convert the output from NORA (using a function node) to the request params fibrao needs.

Thanks, i understand. New to this , so i tried this site.
I have since fixed most of my queries and am extremely happy with Nora.
Have just one question, does anyone know the proper voice command for a nora node?

My thermostat HeatIt has four payload outputs :
1.mode (heat:eco:off) -- voice commands (set thermo -turn to etc): working
2. setpoint ( temperature) - voice commands ( raise/lower - set temperature etc): working
3. setpointLow: not working
4. setpointHigh: not working

Is there a way to view voice commands for a Nora node?

Will gladly send a donation this afternoon Andrei.
Thanks for your great work and contributions.

setpointLow and setpointHigh are the setpoints for the heatcool mode. Low point to start heating and high point to start cooling.

Just lookup google home. NORA is just an interface, doesn't add anything custom.

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